Make a splash with Kee Klamp
The lure of the seaside at this time of year is nearly irresistible, so we were delighted when a seaside cafe contacted us to buy some Kee Klamp to build their furniture!
There is something about Kee Klamp and treated wood that looks amazing, the contrast is a recipe that compliments each other.
Saunton Break Café demonstrate this by using the same panelled wood on not only the walls but on the tables, benches and chairs, using Kee Klamp Industrial fittings Mark Dayman discovered he could make everything he needed using the same style without compromising on strength or style, this meant that he could maintain a consistent theme throughout the entire Café.
The Beauty of using Kee Klamp and treated wood is that you can use the tables and benches both inside and out, the galvanising of the tube and fittings mean that they are resistant to the elements which includes the harsh corrosive sea environment.
Using the Standard table frame kit, Mark was able to consistently replicate result after result without having to enlist any specialist labour or tools, no welding or hot tools were used, Mark was able to order the tube cut to his specific requirements, so no adjustment would be required, it was a simple case of unpacking, connecting the tube and fittings using the hex key provided and then connecting them to the wood tops!