Glass topped standing desk

As you all may know, I am a strong advocate for standing desks, so It was interesting to receive a phone call from someone who had been recommended a standing desk by their GP.
Our customer had suffered an accident that limited his mobility for a number of months and found that he could not exercise as much as he would have liked. He consulted with his Doctor, who suggested a standing desk to replace his conventional one and when the client had a look at the options on the market, he discovered that the range was limited.
Upon searching for customisable standing desks, he discovered that Simplified had a large range and had created quite a few, not only for customers but also for ourselves within the group, he liked the customisation we could offer but wasn’t sure how to put the ideas together, he drew inspiration from our projects and created a "wish list" of features.
As he didn’t have as much space to work with and had a few more ideas he wanted to try and incorporate into his design, he sketched a rough concept and asked us for our advice, the result was a little different to his original idea but I am sure you will agree it came out well.

As the customer preferred the look of and the overall weight of our aluminium tube and fittings we decided to use Kee Lite Aluminium Fittings for his project.
The customer decided to create a see through shelf so he could leave inspirational pictures and articles underneath his “desk” to encourage him as he worked on his laptop.
This was accomplished by using a base fitting and a rubber mat that would stop the glass top from sliding and simply resting the wood on two cross supports which was then held into place using a couple of sheeting clips The standing desk is easily adjusted to a new height and can even be used as a sitting desk by removing the glass top or adjusting the cross bracing as required.

It was an interesting project to work on and it’s always nice to see a design we assisted in become a reality!