DIY Kee Klamp standing desk

double height standing desk

This desk was designed to utilise space as efficiently as possible, by creating three support structures and positioning them in the way that they have and using 29-6s means that no space is wasted with supports or additional fittings.

standing desk drawing

The parts used are:

  • 10 x 61-6 Flanges - These are used to connect the upright tube to the top desktops.
  • 8 x 10-6 Tees - These are used to connect the legs together to the cross supports.
  • 2 x 29-6 - 30° to 60° Single Socket Tee - Attach the cross supports to the middle support tube at an angle.
  • 6 x 77-6 Plastic Plugs - These are inserted into the legs of the tube to protect the floor.
  • 3 x 6-2-G @ 0.4m – These are the bracing for the cross supports.
  • 1 x 6-2-G @ 0.3m – This is the stub to level the mid level desk with the top.
  • 4 x 6-2-G @ 1.5m – These are the middle support tubes and the end tubular uprights for the standing desk.
  • 4 x 6-2-G @ 1.2m – These are the tubular uprights for the mid level desk.

Designed to for three levels, a standing desk monitor, a secondary screen for sitting and a lower shelf for printer storage and office materials.

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