DIY garment rack

This industrial clothing racking was designed and constructed by one of our existing customers.

What makes this DIY garment racking so special?

  • 11 separate clothing rails, all able to support whatever weight you throw at it
  • easily assembled by yourself using a simple Allen key

Project details

Creating your own clothes storage unit can seem a daunting task; there are many clothing rail options available, which can be costly or may not function in the way you want.

Mike Fieldhouse from OT Publishing decided to take matters into his own hands and build something himself.

Using tube and fittings, he was able to construct a clothes storage unit that could hold his entire stock while maximising the use of space.

Using size 6 tube and fittings, you ensure that the diameter of the tube won't exceed the usual size of the average clothes hook.

The end result is 11 full length clothing rails and 4 end rails. This is plenty of space to hold a huge amount of clothes, with an inherent safety factor in the event of overloading.

The Simplicity of the Kee Klamp system and the extensive range ensures that almost any design you can conceive can be built. If you get stuck - give us a call!

Looking for something simple?

Go for a clothing rail kit

  • Easy to assemble
  • Super strong and resistant to rust
  • Customisable to fit your needs
  • Available in a range of styles
Choose one

Our team is here to help


Our experts will help you select the items you need to complete the project.

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