Overflow scrupper

Channing Glover is proving himself to be a remarkable innovator: he has created yet another project using Kee Lite fittings to construct great architectural structures such as the one pictured and described below.

Overflow Scupper

This is an example of using Kee Lite fittings and tube to support a custom stainless steel overflow scupper on a wood turning studio/residence in Wilmington, North Carolina. The water is gathered off the roof and channelled to downspouts on either side of a large picture window. The water is then captured in a corrugated culvert pipe and used for gravity feed irrigation of plantings around the house.

Similar structure

See how architect Ignacio Salas-Humara used Kee Klamp for this family retreat. One of the projects shows an awning support built using tube and fittings:

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