BoxBolt Features

BoxBolt Features

BoxBolt Features

Fast installation

To tighten down a BoxBolt, an installer must typically use 2 wrenches to install one bolt - one to hold the outer sleeve stationary, and one to turn the inner bolt.


The BoxSok adds simplicity to the installation process. Attached to a regular socket wrench (air powered makes this a snap), it takes the place of both wrenches.

The BoxSok™ has an outer piece that will hold the sleeve of the BoxBolt® stationary, while an inner piece turns the bolt. This makes what would have been a 4 minute job (per bolt) into a 30 second job.


  • Less fatigue on the installer
  • Speedy and easy installation

Learn more about BoxSok
BoxSok features

Multiple head types

The most common head options are shown here. If you require a different style, please get in touch.

BoxBolt heads

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